Promotion of Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Concepts in Cities and Industry
(REEE Scale)
For 70 years, Pakistan and Germany have worked together to forge a relationship that benefits the people of both the countries. This cooperation has produced transformative results that are considered landmark accomplishments for Pakistan. National Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority (NEECA), Ministry of Energy (MoE), Power Division and GIZ, as part of the German Development Cooperation in the energy sectorare implementing Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Concepts in Cities and Industry (REEE Scale) Project in selected cities/metropolitan corporations’/development authorities to pilot and institutionalize energy management.
REEE-SCALE project aims to integrate the energy efficiency and renewable energy into the processes and workflows of municipal administrations and public institutions responsible for municipal services in the selected cities in Pakistan. The introduction of municipal Energy Management System (EMS) will mainstream energy-relevant tasks and processes in relevant departments of the partner institutions in selected cities. Energy managers will be mandated to identify opportunities to improve energy efficiency, and to prioritise and implement suitable measures which may vary from simple behavioural changes to focus on measures with low/no investment in the short to medium term and large technology and infrastructure investments in the long term.
Initially 10 metropolitan cities have been identified from two provinces: KPK and Punjab. Further shortlisting has resulted in selection of five cities from this pool. Lastly, two cities—Islamabad and Lahore have been selected and identified as pilot cities through a pre-defined criterion in close coordination with all the stakeholders for introduction of Energy Management System.
The project “Promotion of Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Concepts in Cities” (REEE_SCALE) has four main outputs.
1) Introduction Energy Management System (EMS) in pilot cities
2) Demonstration of digital energy data management
3) Implementation of low investment EE measures
4) Dissemination of best practices & success stories to other cities.
The project will directly contribute in achieving the SDG 7 (‘Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all’), SDG 11 (‘Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable’) and SDG 13 (‘Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts’) at national level along with sustainable energy management in cities.