Support for NEECA Energy Efficiency Interventions under World Bank ESMAP
Energy Sector Management Assistance Program (ESMAP) which is a global knowledge and technical assistance program administered by the World Bank revolves around three thematic areas corresponding to the three SDG7 targets on energy access, renewable energy, and energy efficiency. In view of the foregoing and to mainstream energy efficiency activities keeping in view the decisions taken by the NEECA Board to develop/revise the National Energy Conservation Policy and to strengthen Provincial Designated Agencies, the consulting firms are expected to be engaged soon to assist NEECA for development of Policy, Provincial Action Plan and Sustainable Financing Mechanisms for Energy Efficiency Market Transformation in Pakistan.
World Bank NDC Partnership Support facility – Strategic Support for Energy Efficiency in Pakistan
Under the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) Partnership Support Facility (NDCPSF) hosted by World Bank’s Cross Cutting Solution Area for the Climate Change, following support was extended through consultants
i. Technical Assistance to NEECA and other stakeholders
This component comprised of the following tasks:
a) Mapping of current and planned Government and donor initiatives focusing on Energy Efficiency (EE)
b) Review of international experience in deployment of Demand Side Energy Efficiency programs
c) Knowledge exchange
d) Provision of specialist technical expertise
e) Preparation of a detailed business plan for NEECA
ii. Assessment of opportunities and directions for future support to EE in Pakistan
Under this component, the focus was on design of a programmatic series of investments on Demand Side Energy Efficiency for Pakistan and establishment of innovative financing mechanisms.