Mobile Application Development Competition




Mobile Application Development Competition 2023



NEECA is conducting a national level EE&C app development competition to inculcate a culture of conservation and efficient use of energy in Pakistan in the light of Energy Efficiency & Conservation Act 2016. The NEECA App Development Competition provides a chance to win equipment and cash awards up to 100,000 PKR by developing EE&C-centric applications for mobile devices with real-world viability.


Proposals for the development of a mobile application can be submitted by a student, employee, or faculty member affiliated with an academic institution or professionals working in different sectors of the economy. In case of a collaborative effort, one person must be identified as the “Team Leader.”


Development of the proposed mobile application can be completed by the applicant or a team of students/employees/faculty/ professional working under the supervision of the Team Leader.


The competition is open to academic institutions nationwide. Excluded from participation are employees, consultants, and members of the NEECA, and their immediate relatives.

Procedure & Rewards Phase I

A proposal for the development of a mobile applications for energy efficiency and conservation is submitted. Mobile application ideas should be tailored to meet practical needs of energy efficiency in one the following sectors of economy:

  • Buildings
  • Agriculture
  • Transportation
  • Power and Petroleum
  • Industry

Review Phase #1: Proposals are reviewed by a technical committee and the best five (5) proposals will be selected for further development.



Phase #2

Selected teams from phase#1 will start development of the mobile application as described in their proposal.


Review Phase #2: Development will be tested by NEECA for the intended application. Successfully developed apps that meet all specs and requirements detailed in the proposal will be


selected for final evaluation. In addition, one winner and one runner will be identified based on impact, performance, and usability to receive an additional recognition cash award of Rs.

100000/- (Winner) , 50000/- (Runner up) and 25000/- for third position along with letter of appreciation and honorary shields.



Application Cycle


Phase 1 (Proposal) Opens

April 14, 2023

Phase 1 (Proposal) Closes

May 26, 2023

Selected Proposals Announced / Phase 2 (Development) Begins

May 27, 2023

Phase 2 (Development) Closes (Complete Mobile App)

June 15, 2023

Awards Announced

June 23, 2023

Award Ceremony

June 30, 2023


Review and Selection of Proposals

Proposals will be reviewed and selected by the NEECA employees and/or external reviewers nominated by the NEECA. The reviewer panel consists of experts in the fields of Energy Efficiency, engineering, and IT disciplines.



Terms & Conditions for Phase 1 Applicant

One student/employee/faculty/ professional member shall be identified as the “Team Leader” and shall submit the proposal. Teams may consist of one or multiple people with no restriction on team size, but the Team Leader is responsible for submitting the application, supervising the work, receiving the reward and corresponding with NEECA.


The proposal should identify one or more student(s)/employee(s)/faculty member(s)/ professional(s) who will be responsible for developing the proposed mobile application.

Submission deadline

Proposals should be submitted online completing the appropriate forms here. Deadline for submission is May 26, 2023.

When submitting a proposal, you will be asked to provide the following information:

  1. Primary Applicant Information (Team Leader): title, name, University / Organization, Department, position, email, phone number, address.
  1. Department Contact: title, name, University / Organization, Department, position, email, phone number, address.
  2. Secondary Members (optional): title, name, University / Organization, Department, position, email, phone number, address.


  1. Developer Information: name(s) of individual or group of students / professionals who will be responsible for developing the proposed mobile application.
  2. Category of mobile application: choose one among (1.) Buildings, (2.) Agriculture, (3.) Transportation, (4.) Industry, (5.) Power & Petroleum
  1. Project Description: The project Description should be limited to a maximum length of 6 pages or less. Use Times New Roman font, size 11 or larger. The Project Description should include the following sections:
    1. App Description: provide a detailed description of the finished application and its practical use.

    2. Storyboard: provide illustrations of relevant displays that an app user would interface with (i.e., real-time feedback, module/template setup, sensor pairing, etc.).
    3. Impact & Need: identify a need for the proposed app and what benefits the app will provide for the area of application. Intended User: identify the intended user of the app

    4. Intended User: identify the intended user demographic(s) for the app.
    5. Requirements: include a list of performance, feature, and usability requirements that must be met in order for the app to properly serve its intended use.

    6. Approach: Detail the development steps needed for achieving the successful completion of the app, and elaborate on the strategies and tools that will be employed to ensure successful development. Present development risks and mitigations. Each development milestone should present defined and measurable goals that will ensure successful completion of the app development.
    7. Timeline: how development will be completed, with dates for relevant goals and milestones included.
    8. Personnel: list of individuals involved in the project and responsibility. Include plan for project management.


  1. Bibliography and/or other information: include citations or previous work of advisor/students that are relevant to the project. Information included may pertain to the app’s practical use, students’ prior experience, etc.


Decision Making

Eligible entries will be scored on a scale as follows:




Evidence of Usefulness


Adequacy of Approach


Clarity of description



Terms and Conditions for Phase #2:



Deadline for submission of finished mobile application and all requested information/documents is June 15, 2023.


When submitting a proposal your mobile application, you will be asked to provide the following information:

Application installer: APK file type installer and source code of the app to be uploaded.

App Description & “Quick Start” Guide: description of app functionality and use, and instructions for how to get the app operating as intended.

Developer Page: link to public, open-source page of the developers involved in the project. Development Report: summary of progress made toward the achievement of the originally stated aims and milestones, list of significant results (positive or negative), list of individuals who participated in the development and role; description of data collection protocol (if any) used for testing.

Other information: additional relevant documents, information on “behind-the-scene” data or computational processing, etc.

Decision Making

Mobile application development will be scored through “User Surveys,” on a scale from 0 to 10 as follows:

  • Usability
  • Stability
  • Appearance
  • Requirements met






Postal Address

Directorate of Energy Information, & Futuristic (EI&F) National Energy Efficiency & Conservation Authority (NEECA) 4th Floor, NEECA Building, Sector G-5/2. Islamabad
