EE Lighting Project
The Global Environment Facility (GEF) on 30th August 2016 approved the project titled “Delivering the Transition to Energy Efficient Lighting in Residential, Commercial, Industrial and Outdoor Sectors in Pakistan” developed by United Nations Environment (previously called UNEP) and NEECA. The Project Cooperation Agreement was originally signed on 5th April 2017 and because of changes in ground realities, which necessitated the appointment of an International Lighting Consultant (ILC), which is U4E, an amendment was signed on 12th December 2018. The 4 project components and associated main activities of the project are written below:
1. Developing a National Efficient Lighting Strategy.
Energy benchmarking activity would be carried out, which will lead to development of minimum energy performance standards (MEPS) for LEDs. Other sources of funding for promotion of efficient lighting, such as financing through Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMAs), would be identified and solicited. Guidelines for disposal of different types of lighting products would also be developed.
2. Strengthening, Monitoring, Verification and Enforcement (MVE) capacities in Pakistan to ensure an effective transition to Energy Efficient Lighting.
In order to make lighting market more compliant with Energy Efficiency policies/standards and to bring them in the ambit of Energy Labeling Scheme, certain legal and administrative processes would be developed and implemented. Technical training and other support to market control authorities and customs would be provided for strengthening and enhancing capacity of national laboratories to verify compliance with standards including for LEDs and their controls.
3. Design for a Lighting Funding Window in Pakistan’s Revolving Loan Fund.
Different financing tools would be developed in consultation with the banks to establish the lighting funding window.
4. Accelerating the use of Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) and controls.
Pilot demonstration projects would be implemented and subsequently would be analyzed by respective stakeholder departments through their own funding to scale up the activity. Testing equipment for PCSIR lab to be procured and an international workshop on Energy Efficient Lighting would be held to promote R&D and trainings to professionals, including building/lighting designers on various lighting designing and selection aspects.