National Energy Efficiency & Conservation Authority (NEECA) developed and submitted a proposal for technical assistance from the UNEP Climate Technology Center & Network (CTCN), which is the operational arm of the UNFCCC Technology Mechanism based in Denmark, for developing a National Certification Scheme for Energy Auditors. CTCN has engaged the experts for developing, institutionalizing and executing a National certification scheme for energy auditors/managers. Once established, the scheme would facilitate the energy auditing and related activities in a streamlined manner. Documents containing list of potential designated consumers (Textile, Power Plants, Cement Industries) compiled through the information collected from DISCOs and Gas utility companies, draft rules and regulations, notification of designated consumers have been prepared and being submitted for board information/approval. The curriculum for Certified Energy Auditors/Managers is being developed with the answers/solutions keys which would be ready in next 3 months enabling NEECA to conduct the examination in this context and subsequently declaring/notifying Designated Consumers for whom the Energy Audits shall become mandatory.
Project Components
Four project components and associated main activities are specified below:
1. Identification of Designated Consumers
i. Preparation of questionnaire for
ii. Methodology to define the user class using secondary energy consumption and economic data in Pakistan
iii. Analysis of data obtained through questionnaire survey.
iv. Notification of designated consumers for each user class.
2. National Certification Scheme
i. Guidelines on the accreditation of Energy Auditors and Managers and their duration, roles and responsibilities
ii. Guidelines on eligibility (basic qualifications) for the energy auditors and managers
iii. Guidelines on fees, manner and frequency of accreditation for Energy Auditors(EA)/Energy Managers(EM)
iv. Design of Syllabus for conduct of examinations
v. Design of course material and guide books
vi. Development of model question papers and question banks for the conduct of examination
vii. Guidelines for appointment of evaluators and professionals for assessment of EA/EM examinations
3. Training of Relevant Professionals
i. Developing relevant training material based on the course material and guide books
ii. Conducting Training of the Trainer ( 2 week programme)