The key focus of Pakistan's energy efficiency and conservation is on different sectors of economy.ENERCON was established in 1985 as USAID project and became an autonomous authority in 1986.In 2016, National Energy Conservation Centre (ENERCON) was transformed into National Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority (NEECA). The National Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority (NEECA),takes a lead on rolling out the energy efficiency and conservation in Pakistan. The National Energy Efficiency & Conservation Authority (NEECA) can play a very significant role in these crucial circumstances. In order to exchange and implement knowledge and its policies, NEECA continually provides training and guidance.
The fast-growing urban population, the usage of latest equipment, technology and the growth of the consumer network are rising worldwide in energy use and demand. Several countries worldwide face energy shortages and rising demand for energy. For better policy implementation and enforcement, training, education and skill development at the various levels are also necessary. Because energy crisis has also been a serious one in Pakistan for many years, when energy shortages were at first high, and now energy supply and distribution problems and line losses have been causing problems. The Demographic Division of the United Nations predicted that almost half the population would be living in urban areas before 2025.
Understanding of energy usage and climate design is still there, but a critical assessment of the building inventory in Pakistan will suggest that most of the existing buildings are not built in terms of conditions of climate. Concrete and glass are popular and required thermal comforts of buildings are not provided.On the other side when we look into domestic level, the use of conditioning equipment is common. Recent studies have shown that most of Quetta, Pakistan, houses have been made from concrete structures and single glazed glass have been used mainly to glazing of ventilators and windows.
A significant amount of energy can be saved by reducing household power usage. During the recent years, the private sector has implemented a range of energy efficiency construction materials, renovations and reductions of solar heat from walls, floor and construction envelope insulation. However, many usable products have not been tested for technical and practical purposes one of the reason is not presenceof accredited labs in Pakistan. If we look into the building sector many of the buildings still have no guidance from a skilled builder to labor level who created a badly built, inefficient and uncomfortable building stock.
National Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority (NEECA) through its Strategic Plan (2020-23) sets to achieve the goal of 3 MTOE energy saving by 2023. Pakistan has the potential to save up to 10-15% (10-12 MTOE) of primary energy supply through energy efficiency and conservation. To achieve this goal, the Plan will be implemented in three phases. The first phase (FY-2020) will be the 'institutionalization of the energy efficiency and conservation at the national and provincial levels. The second phase (FY-2021) will be the 'operationalization' of policy & actions, and the third phase will be the 'implementation’ of action plans. Now It is strongly important to launch a more efficient and long-term energy efficiency and conservation policy with proper implementation framework which clearly defines the role of all the relevant stakeholders is the need of the hour to enabling compliance with the provisions of NEECA Act and international commitment under Paris agreement, SDG,s and NDC,s.